Pagina lui Nicolas





Oportunitatea momentului...



            Clinica din Saint Louis - America ,prin medicul de exceptie Dr Ts Park poate face ca Nicolas sa mearga.

Riziotomie dorsala selectiva se numeste operatia  si consta in sectionarea muschilor spastici cat si corectarea lor.Dupa operatie se face recuperare medicala de catre medicii din St Louis apoi acasa se continua munca de recuperare ce a inceput in America.

         Posibilitatile materiale sunt foarte reduse in comparatie cu costurile operatiei de aceea facem apel la dumneavoastra,oamenii de bine, care ne ati ajutat in ultimii ani sa ne ajutati si de data aceasta ,sa l operam pe Nicolas i dam sansa sa alerge ,sa mearga pe piciorusele lui asa cum va putea el.

Stim ca operatia este foarte dificila si riscanta,dar ne dorim enorm ca Nicolas sa poata pasi ...

Dr.Park a fost in Romania si a vizitat cei 8 copii operati pana acum,totul a evoluat perfect...copilasi ca Nicolas care nu stateau in picioare,nu paseau ...MERG SINGURI !!!...

                   Va scriu cu lacrimi in ochi ...AJUTATI MA  sa l vad pe Nicolas in picioare !!!!


Spitalul din St.Louis unde se intampla minuni ...












"Asociatia Speranta pentru Nicolas"















Nicolas se lupta cu tetrapareza spastica si

retard neuro-psiho-motor...un diagnostic foarte dur

pentru un copil de doar 7 anisori...


Mergem cu capul sus si speram ca oameni de bine ne pot ajuta pentru o viata mai buna.











Încredere și întelegere
Încredere și întelegere

Copilul nostru s-a nascut pe data de 31 octombrie 2012 in Spitalul Municipal.
Am fost internata in data de 29.oct.2012 la ora 8 dimineata ,dupa ce duminica 28.oct am fost consultata de asistenta sefa a sectiei care mi-a spus ca este timpul si sa stau pregatita peste noapte sau sa vin dimineata la prima ora.
Am fost internata asa cum am scris mai sus la 8-8.30 pe sectie de domnul doctor A care a sustinut in primul moment ,dupa consult ca in urmatoarele ore voi naste.Toate bune si frumoase pana m-a intrebat la o noua vizita ce medic m-a supravegheat pe perioada sarcinii.Am explicat ca am fost vazuta de d-l doctor B si am facut ecografii la doamna doctor S.
Din acel moment totul s-a schimbat …am ramas singura in salon si mi-au fost administrate o serie de medicamente …nospa si scobutil…… mi-au intarziat nasterea. Seara ,dupa aproximativ 14 ore de dureri am sunat sotul sa-mi aduca ceva de mancare intrucat ma simteam slabita si sleita de puteri.La 22.00 a venit sotul cu mancare la mine si a stat pana la 24.00 timp in care nu a venit nimeni sa ma vada …in salonul de nasteri am fost singura de la ora 11.00 cand a plecat medicul pana seara la 22.00 cand a venit sotul meu,pe parcursul zilei am fost vizitata de 3 ,4 ori de o asistenta.
Cand a venit sotul meu cu mancare ,doamnele asistente deschise-se un salon de coafura,una era tunsa de a doua iar a treia isi facea manichiura,asta din ce a vazut sotul meu…in momentul in care a intrat sa intrebe ce este cu mine si de ce nu am nascut inca.Foarte revoltate ca au fost intrerupte au spus ca e decizia medicului….
In dimineata urmatoare ,dupa o noapte lunga si nedormita sotul meu a venit la spital sa intrebe medicul de sanatatea mea…si de ce nu am nascut inca…a intrat in cabinetul acestuia cu „darul” pregatit,a insistat sa se ocupe de mine…medicul a promis iar ca totul va fi in ordine si ca azi se va naste copilul….Evident ca la ora 11 medicul a plecat …si iar au ramas pe sectie asistentele.
Dupa ce sotul meu a intrebat una din ele,era o cunoscuta,aceasta a spus ca nu voi fi ajutata sa nasc deoarece sunt pacienta doctorului B,si acesta nu este bine primit in spital.(fiind cel mai vechi medic din oras)
Cand sotul a sunat la dl doctor B ,acesta a intrebat ce am nascut,dar in momentul in care sotul a spus ca nu am nascut inca…l-a facut nebun…ca trebuia sa nasc de luni…a replicat medicul.Imediat a venit pe sectie si m-a consultat. Deoarece nu avea acces la medicamentele spitalului l-a trimis pe sotul meu sa cumpere cateva de la farmacie.
In jurul orelor 14.00 pe data de 30.10.2012 mi-a fost rupta apa apoi au urmat durerile..pana la ora 00.20 cand fiul meu a fost adus pe lume.
Din cauza ca nu a avut acces la sala de operatii,(ulterior am aflat) am nascut pe masa aceea …dupa ce am fost in coma,dupa ce asistenta si femeia de serviciu a muncit cot la cot cu Dr B sa pot aduce pe lume copilul.Sotul meu era la usa si la un moment dat a auzit…”doctore ii pierdem…ce salvam mama sau copilul…???” la care medicul a urlat…”Amandoi…amandoi trebuie sa traiasca” si azi ii multumim ca ne-a salvat pe amandoi…
Faptul ca fiul meu a fost adus pe lume ,rudimentar,ca nu au avut la dispozitie sala de operatie pentru interventie tip cezariana,(sotul meu a cerut sa mi se faca cezariana)ca am cedat si am intrat in coma dupa 48 ore de la internare,timp in care nu am mancat nimic(un sandwich cu 24 ore inainte)faptul ca medicul meu s-a luptat sa ne tina in viata …cu mainile goale…faptul ca medicul care se ocupa de sectia de nasteri nu a fost interesat sa ma asiste,si mai ales a dat directive sa nu fiu ajutata sa nasc deoarece eram pacienta lui B……
Totul a dus la o hipoxie…fiul meu a ramas blocat in timpul travaliului eu am intrat in coma…si totul a dus la moartea unor neuroni …cand m-am trezit copilul meu era negru si i se facea respiratie mecanica…dupa care nu l-am mai vazut decat la ora 11…pe zi cand am fost sa-l vad la sectia de neonatologie…
De aici a inceput cosmarul…am fost timisa la Focsani…intrucat au stabilit ca nu au incubatoare perfomante,cu oxigen si ce avea nevoie fiul meu…
De la Focsani am fost trimisa la Bacau unde o doamna doctor mi-a spus verde in fata „nu ai fost in stare sa te scremi,ai stat ca vaca,ai facut un handicapat…poti sa te duci si la Viena ca nu ai ce sa-i faci” aceste cuvinte mi-au paralizat creierul…abia nascusem de cateva ore si …un medic...MEDIC imi vorbeste in asa fel…
Dupa o luna aproximativ am fost externata de la spitalul MunFocsani….dupa ce doamna doctor D ,o femeie de aur m-a asigurat pe mine si sotul meu ca fiul meu se va face bine..
Ca in anii ei de medicina,si are ani … a vazut numeroase cazuri ca a fiului meu…si toate au fost ok…
Cand fiul meu a implinit 6 luni am mers sa facem vaccinul ,moment in care medicul de familie dr N,la fel un medic de aur,si-a dat seama ca fiul meu are ceva probleme de coordonare…
Motiv pentru care ne-a recomandat examinare de specialitate…
Prima internare a fost la Bucuresti…Spital Obregia…care a confirmat ..ce nu am fi vrut sa auzim niciodata… copilul meu are probleme grave urmare a nasterii dificile…
De atunci ne luptam cu viata…mergem la centre de recuperare care au contract cu casa de dori si alte centre dar sunt cu plata si costurile sunt foarte mari si nu ne permitem.
Asa ca frecventam Centre de la Oradea,Sibiu,Busteni,Bucuresti,Gura Ocnitei….ne deplasam cu salvarea cand o primim sau cu masina personala cand nu se acorda salvare.E dificil deoarece un drum la Oradea cu masina personala ne costa aproape un salariu si la o internare mai sunt necesare multe altele….de la medicamente,pampers pana la mancare ,fructe…pentru ca,desi e un spital de recuperare..etotusi spital de stat si mancarea e ca atare…Evident ca sunt foarte multe nevoi ,de la vitamine,care nu sunt gratuite,pana la spatiu de joaca,la o camera a lui ,la un kinetoterapeut care sa lucreze cu el…la un tratament de specialitate in afara tarii ,in Germania si Cehia sunt cei care au dezvoltat terapia VOJTA…de care fiul meu are nevoie…de tratamente scumpe care se fac cu delfini…la mare…multe multe posibilitati…sunt foarte multe nevoi dar ne intindem si noi cat se poate.Ne-am dori sa-i putem oferi tot ce se poate pentru a recupera din deficientele pe care le are …poate ca daca am avea posibilitati am merge si in Ucraina unde este un mare centru de recuperare a celor cu dizabilitati dar o internare acolo costa peste 4000 euro…de unde?
Astea sunt problemele noastre de zi cu zi…
Nu pot indrazni sa cer nimic ,nimanui…toata lumea are probleme,daca exista oameni cu suflet mare care sa –l ajute pe Nicolas ,care sa doneze din putinul lor …













Ajutorul poate veni de orice oriunde...oricand...



Pentru transfer PayPal
















Aici sunt cateva din scrisorile de externare de la diferite clinici din tara.

Sunt cateva zeci adunate in dosarul cu care mama si copilul merg la fiecare internare

Un dosar greu ,care se actualizeaza cu noi file de tratament ....noi file de durere...













"Anomalie de semnal in plaja,difuz delimitata,periventricular fronto-parietal drept si occipitalbilateral(hipersemnal T2 si FLAIR,hiposemnal T1,fara restrictie de difuzie)-de tip sechelar.
Anomalii de semnal pseudonodulare (semnal similar celor mentionate anterior) se vizualizeaza la nivelul putamenului si talamusului bilateral.
Reducerea grosimii stubstantei albe parieto-occipital bilateral,relativ simetric.
Sistem ventricular pe linia mediana,relativ simetric,cu dimensiuni usor crescute ale ventriculilor laterali,care au coarne rotunjite.
Corp calos subtire in portiunea corporeala.
Talamus cu dimensiuni usor reduse bilateral,simetric.

Leziuni sechelare ale substantei albe periventricular (parieto-occipital bilateral),putamen si talamus bilateral -cel mai probabil cu substrat hipoxic/ischemic."





Support Nicholas' cause 

Nicolas’ page


Nicolas is fighting with spastic tetraplegia and neuropsychomotor retardation… a heavy diagnosis for a 3 years old baby…

We walk head high and we hope that kind people can help us give him a better life.


Our baby was born on 31st October 2012 at the Municipal Hospital. I was hospitalized on the 29th of October 2012 at 8AM after being consulted on Sunday, the 28th of October by the chief nurse of the department who told me that it’s time and that I should stay ready overnight or to come early the next morning. I was hospitalized at 8-8:30 AM by dr. A, who stated immediately after the consult that I was about to give birth in the following hours.
Everything was fine until he asked me during the next visit what doctor had been supervising me during my pregnancy. I explained that I had been seen by dr. B and had done ultrasounds with dr. S.

From that moment, everything changed… I was alone in the room and they have given me a series of drugs… NoSpa and Scobutil… that delayed my birth. That evening, after approximately 14 hours of pain I called my husband and asked him to bring me something to eat because I was feeling weak and exhausted. At 10PM my husband came to bring me some food and he stayed until midnight, nobody came to see me during this time… in the birth room I was alone from 11AM when the doctor left until 10PM in the evening when my husband came. During the day I was visited 3-4 times by a nurse.
When my husband came with food, the nurses had “opened” a hair salon… one had had her hair cut by the second and the third was doing her nails (this is what my husband saw). The moment he entered to see what happened to me and why I hadn’t given birth yet, they were very disturbed by his questions and said it was the doctor’s decision…
The next morning, after a long sleepless night, my husband came to the hospital to ask the doctor about my health and why I hadn’t given birth yet… he entered in the doctor’s office with the “gift” ready, insisting the doctor would take care of me. The doctor promised again that everything will be ok and that the same day I will have given birth.
Obviously, at 11AM the doctor left and I was alone with the nurses again.
After my husband asked one of them (he knew her) she said that I would not be helped to give birth because I am a patient of dr. B and he is not well seen in the hospital (being the oldest doctor in town). When my husband called dr. B., the doctor asked what sex my new born child was… but when my husband said I hadn’t given birth yet… the doctor called him crazy, saying I should have given birth since Monday. He immediately came to the hospital and consulted me. Since he didn’t have access to the hospital’s drugs, he sent my husband to buy some from the pharmacy.
Around 2PM on 30.10.2012 my water broke and then the pain started and continued until 20 minutes past midnight when my son was brought to the world.
Because the doctor didn’t have access to the operating room (I found out about this later) I gave birth on that table… after being in a coma, after the nurse and the janitor lady worked with dr. B. and helped me bring the baby to this world. My husband was outside the door and suddenly he heard... “doctor we are losing them… who do we save, the mother or the baby…???” and then the doctor yelled: “We save both… they must both live” and today we are thanking him for saving us both.
The fact that my son was brought to the world in such a way, that they didn’t have access to the operating room for the caesarean surgery (my husband had asked for caesarean), that I had went into a coma after 48 hours from the admission, while I hadn’t eaten anything (a sandwich 24 hours before), due to the fact that my doctor fought to keep us alive.. with his bare hands… the fact that the doctor who was at work was not interested to help me and especially because he specifically gave orders not to be helped to give birth because I was a patient of dr. B…. everything caused my son a hypoxia.. my son got stuck during labour and I went into a coma… everything caused the death of some neurons.
When I woke up my son was black and they were giving him mechanical breathing… then I haven’t seen him until 11AM when I was allowed to see him in the new born babies department.
From here the nightmare started. I was sent to Focsani town, because they established they didn’t have modern incubators with oxygen – what my son needed From Focsani I was sent to Bacau where a lady doctor told me right into my face “you were not able to strive yourself, you stood there like a cow, you gave birth to a handicapped one…you can go to Vienna if you want but you can’t do anything”…. These words paralysed my brain.. I had just given birth a few hours before and… a doctor… a DOCTOR talks to me this way…
After a month I was released from the Focsani hospital, after a lady doctor D., a golden lady, assured me and my husband that my son would be well, because in her years as a doctor (and they are not a few) she had seen many cases like my son and all of them ended up well.
When my son was 6 months old, we went to give him his vaccine. At that moment the family doctor N., another golden man, realized that my son had some coordination problems. He recommended us to take the boy to a specialist.
The first admission was at the Obregia hospital in Bucharest where they confirmed what we had never wanted to hear… my baby has severe problems caused by the difficult birth.
Since then we fight with life… we go to recuperation centres that have a contract with the National Medical Insurance Fund. We wish we could go to other centres too but we need to pay for their services and the costs are huge and we cannot afford it. Therefore we go to centres in Oradea, Sibiu, Busteni, Bucuresti, Gura Ocnitei…. We move around with the ambulance when we get one or with our personal car when we can’t have an ambulance. It’s very difficult because a trip to Oradea city with the personal car costs us almost as much as a monthly salary and for one hospitalization we need other things too… from drugs, diapers to food, fruits.. because although it’s a recuperation hospital, it’s a state hospital and the food is.. as we all know.
Obviously we need many things: vitamins (that are not free), playground (his own room), kynesiotherapist to work with his. He also needs a special treatment abroad, in Germany or Czech Republic where there are specialists who developed the VOJTA therapy that my son needs, special therapies with dolphins, in the sea…. Many many possibilities, many needs too but we stretch as much as we can.
We wish we could offer our son everything there is so he can recover from his deficiencies.. Maybe if we could afford it, we could go in Ukraine too where there is a large centre for recuperation for people with disabilities but a day of hospitalization there costs over 4.000 euro… where to take all those money from??

There are our daily problems.. I can’t dare to ask anyone anything.. everyone has their own problems, but.. if there is anyone with a big heart to help Nicholas, to donate a little from what they can…









Where, whoever can, can donate and help

The help cam come in any shape from anywhere, anytime





Here are a few of his release letters from different clinics in the country.
There are a few tens of letters, all gathered in the file that goes with the mother and the child everywhere they go to admit him.
A heavy file that gets heavier each time he gets treatment.. new files of pain and sorrow







"Signal abnormality in range, vaguely bounded, right periventricular frontoparietal and occipital bilateral (hypersignal T2 and FLAIR, hyposignal T1, without diffusion restrictions) – sequellary type.
Pseudo-nodular signal abnormality (signal similar to the ones mentioned above) visible at the putamen and bilateral thalamus level.
Decrease in thickness of the white matter bilateral parietal-occipital, relatively symmetrical.
Ventricular system, on the median line, relatively symmetric. With slightly increased dimensions of the lateral ventricles, with curved horns.
Thin corpus callosum in the corporal area.
Thalamus with slightly decreased dimensions bilaterally, symmetrically.
Sequellar lesions of the white matter periventricular (bilateral parietal-occipital), putamen and thalamus bilateral – most probably with hypoxic/ischemic substrate."












Nicolas kämpft gegen die spastische Tetraplegie und neuropsychomotorische Retardierung. Eine ziemlich schwere Diagnose für einen Dreijährigen

Wir geben nicht auf und hoffen, dass Leute mit großem Herzen ihm ein besseres Leben bereiten können.
Unser Kind wurde am 31. Oktober 2012 im Städtischen Krankenhaus geboren. Nach meiner Einlieferung war alles in Ordnung bis mich der Arzt gefragt hat welcher Arzt meine Schwangerschaft begleitete. Ich antwortete und alle verliesen ohne etwas zu sagen den Raum. Man gab mir Medikamente, um die Geburt zu verzögern, was sehr schmerzhaft war.
Auf die Frage, warum man meine Geurt verzögert, antwortete die Schwester nur, es wäre die Entscheidung des Arztes gewesen und alles wird gut.
Ein anderer Arzt, den mein Mann konsultierte, war schockiert darüber, dass ich nach 48 Stunden immer noch nicht mein Kind geboren habe und sagte, dass mein Kind sofort geboren werden müsste. Allerdings gab man dem konsultierten Arzt im Krankenhaus weder Zugang zum OP, noch Hilfe, sodass eine Schwester und der Hausmeister im halfen, mein Kind zu gebären. Währenddessen viel ich aufgrund der Mangelernährung und Schwäche ins Koma und mein Sohn erlitt eine Sauerstoffunterversorgung durch die Geburtskomplikationen. Das führte zum absterben einiger Nervenzellen,. Nach der Geburt atmete er noch nicht selbstständig und seine Haut war schwarz verfärbt.
Nach der Geburt wurde ich verlegt, da das Krankenhaus keine modernen Saurerstoffinkubatoren hatten, die mein Sohn benötigte. Dann wurde ich wieder verlegt, vom Foscani ins Bacau Krankenhaus.
Als mein Sohn 6 Monate alt war, gingen wir mit ihm zum Impfen, als uns dort die Ärztin die Nachricht überbrachte, dass unser Sohn Koordinationsstörungen hat und wir das bei einem Facharzt untersuchen lassen sollen, was wir auch taten. Dann kam die Schreckensnachricht: Mein Kind trägt schwere Folgen von den Geburtskomplikationen.
Von da an begann der Kampf um seine Zukunft. Wir gehen in viele Reha-Zentren, allerdings sind die Kosten dafür immens, angefangen bei den Transportkosten mit dem Krankenwagen, die schon ein ganzes Monatsgehalt verschlingen. Dazu kommen Kosten von Medikamenten, Windeln oder Essen (denn im rumänischen staatlichen Krankenhaus wissen wir, wie schlecht das essen ist). Er braucht Vitamine, seinen Spielraum, Kinesiotherapie usw. Es gibt eine spezielle Therapie in Tschechien oder Deutschland, die VOJTA genannt wird.

So sind unsere täglichen Probleme. Ich kann es nicht wagen jemanden um etwas zu fragen. Aber wenn es jamenden mit einem großen Herzen gibt, der Nicholas helfen will, so wie man eben kann, das ist unser
